tihoptete Admin replied

338 weeks ago

Download Hindi Movie The Stick

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646f9e108c A group of South African soldiers are sent out into the bush to find and destroy a rebel group that killed an earlier patrol. When they find a small village with all the men gone, the soldiers panic and slaughter the remaining villagers, including an old witch doctor. As the group tries to make their way back to camp, strange things begin happening to them. Are the enemy soldiers normal humans, or have they been cursed by the old shaman?
During the apartheid era in South Africa, a young naive soldier is assigned to a unit of racist white soldiers. After they annihilate a remote village led by a which doctor, the spirits of those they've killed target them.
The Stick is not only the best South African film I have seen, its definitely in my top 10 list of movies of any genre I have ever seen.<br/><br/>The direction is engaging and the photography top class. The script is solid and very good in that its believable if you familiar with eerie world of witch doctor medicine, which makes it very scary. Underlying the story; the senseless killing and confusion of the South African apartheid state of mind is portrayed in a controversial way, which I thought added an interesting tension to the script. Most of which caused it to be heavily banned. So I don't think there are many people on the planet who have seen it. Lucky for those who have. The landscape and content make this film uniquely South African, but its one any horror fan would enjoy. <br/><br/>Truly a great and very different horror film.
Darrell Roodt takes the viewer through a surreal journeywe see how a group of men lose their sanity. The Angola war was a sensitive subject at the time and this film was not welcomed by the government of 1988. The film is often describedbeing anti-war, but that is up to the viewer since the film only shows humanity at its worst in fact. The characters in the film don't really seem to change much, but more of them are revealedthey suffer more. Some snap, some panic, the film shows it all and I guess you can call it an anti-war film if you feel people aren't capable of acting responsibly when put under this kind of pressure. The direction is solid and the script seems realistic. Well worth a watch and certainly one of Darrell's best films.

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last edited 260 weeks ago by tihoptete

Juvanta replied

217 weeks ago

I am a Person who is very much interested in watching a horror movie and here have shared the download link of an old movie which was initially released in 1987 and hope it is a good entertainer so I thought of downloading it Plant-Based Meal Prep Canada
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